Twi-hard if some still had any doubts about Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are a couple as real as the fictitious couple Edward and Bella, they continue to prove that they are in love, now on the set of Dawn. A source who saw the couple shooting scenes in Lapa on November 7 HollywoodLife.com told: "They could not be more passionate. Robert is very protective, every time someone said 'cut' he hugged Kristen. He would not let anyone approach her, it was beautiful to see. "
A fonte chegou a dizer: “Ele não conseguia parar de sorrir para ela, foi tão bonito. Ele tocou seu rosto, braços, cabelo, ele compartilhavam cigarros, ele a ajudou a andar quandos os sapatos começaram a machucar seus pés… era como se ela fosse a única pessoa para ele em todo o mundo.”
The source went on to say: "He could not stop smiling at her, it was so beautiful. He touched her face, arms, hair, they shared cigarettes, he helped her walk when shoes began to hurt your feet ... it was like she was the only person for him around the world. "
Parece que Rob e Kristen estão desfrutando tanto do Brasil quando Edward e Bella em Amanhecer!
Looks like Rob and Kristen are enjoying Brazil like Edward and Bella in Breaking Dawn!
Fonte: Twi Brasil
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